Customer Introduction
The client is a Chinese investment holding company that primarily operates content communities and social platforms. The company mainly provides live streaming services, online marketing services including advertising services, e-commerce, online gaming, and other value-added services.

The challenges
The customer requires an audio solution that is compatible with their own customized collaborative office software, Kim. They desire to set a standard for audio and video equipment in all their video conference rooms, of which there are roughly 200.

The customer is using the "Bring Your Own Meetings" (BYOM) meeting mode, which allows participants to connect their own devices directly to staff PCs. With this setup, the customer wants a plug-and-play solution to enable quick and easy connection to the meeting so that IT personnel are freed from troubleshooting complaints.
NEARITY solutions
The A20 microphone has an 8-element array that uses beamforming technology to eliminate acoustic and room echo, ensuring clear communication in conference rooms even in noisy environments. This ensures that all participants in the meeting can be heard equally.
The A20 can be easily hooked up via USB or ethernet connection, offering flexibility in setup. It is also compatible with a variety of leading video conferencing platforms including zoom, MicroSoft Teams, Tencent Meeting and etc,.